Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2, 2009

This blog will track my somewhat rare medical condition, BOOP, aka bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia. If you're looking for all things Betty, you're on the wrong blog.

Since I'm not a medical professional, I'll leave the professional descriptions to them. For definitive medical lit on BOOP, please check out: http://www.epler.com/boop1.html

This is a great layperson's explanation, check out: http://www.epler.com/BoopWhat'sBoopDiseaseInformation.htm

Summary: Now on a month-long regimen of antibiotics, prednisone, inhalant, heart medicine, I am unable to work, suffer from sweats, loss of stamina/health/strength and am essentially an invalid, staying at home, watching HGTV and sometimes knitting. As Dr. A. (pulmonologist) put it -- it's not brain cancer or heart surgery, but it's serious.

Dr. B (internist) said it was "rare."

I'm just going to call it "uncommon."

How Did This Happen? Since late December '08, I've had bronchitis, pneumonia, allergies, fevers. Hacking cough, mucus, mucus and more mucus. Taking (unpaid) sick time from work, back at work, sick leave again.

CT scans were inconclusive. One month ago, I was finally admitted to the hospital with low oxygenation levels and a decision to do a surgical biopsy.

In addition to my introduction to morphine drip (which felt like doing drugs with a "pass") this hospital stay included a detour into a private isolation room, complete with special masks, due to a suspicion of tuberculosis.

Cause: (the best part) The doctors don't know. Treatment: This, they know. Go figure.

The plan: Updates on progress. Details to follow.

Comments welcome, other BOOP sufferers -- how are you coping?

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