Friday, June 5, 2009

This is a great "plain talk" explanation of BOOP. I encourage you to check it out.

It is Erev Shabbat. My mind is focusing in on sabbath preparations.

Still to come, reports on April and May, details of the hospital stay and a work-related round up.

About My Job, A Teaser:
It would have been enough, as we say, to have to deal with a mystery illness for months, but there's been work to deal with.

And now there is not.

Last week, "they" closed my department, and I was now no longer a worker, but among the great unemployed.

For now, let me just say, it was more complicated than that and there are a lot of unresolved feelings...

Details in coming posts.

So Shin Shin (Shabbat Shalom) and rest.


  1. Can I be of any help?


  2. Marjorie, pretty concerned about you. I mean it!

    Remember my brother is also a doctor and surgeon: urology. Not related but he can ask.

    Warming, Wagner

    P.S. Which profile am I suppose to choose?

  3. Seems to me, after Reading today's capsule, the immediate/long-term lesson from the duress is to not allow one's self to be immersed into situations the likes (bad choice/no pun) to which you've alluded, at any cost! (This is Reading like an astrology) - However, I've no uncertainty whatever, the pre-existing condition(s), the exorbitant conditions of employment exacerbated; the Universe (G*d/The I Am/1st. Cause/Oneness/& the other manifold "not-to-utters") IS UNRELENTING 'til we not only receive, but integrate the MESSAGE, like Franny of "Zooey" whose very Heartbeat became her Mantra! Bring In The Signal!


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