Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Carrot Coda

A week after I got home from the hospital, MyBro visited.

MyBro has a heart the size of Texas. I deeply respect the benefits he has garnered from his spiritual community.

A lifetime of grappling with weight and food issues is nothing to sneeze at. And so, on Friday, MyBro hauled up his mighty juicer and decided to set my body aright. It had helped cleanse his own body. He had seen the good effects on a friend who was grappling with cancer. What could be bad about fresh juice?

First, he offered a beautiful apple juice, straight from the apples to the juicer to me. It was great. I sipped it slowly and savored it.

Later in the day, he took about a pound of organic carrots and juiced them. Again, I did not slurp this down like a Slurpee. This was a religious experience. I was going to get well through the finest and purest of ingredients.

Ladies and Gents, I broke out into hives.
My eyes itched and watered, my hands turned red and itched. My face itched. This went on for about 20 minutes.

I took one look at myself in the mirror and panicked.

I was having an allergic reaction to organic carrots for G-d's sake!
Who ever heard of an allergic reaction to organic carrots?
Is there anything more pure in this universe than an organic carrot?

My lips began to swell up. And prickle.

I went berserk. I called 911.

I was not going to expire from a gosh darn pound of organic carrots.

Within minutes the fire dept. came (latest protocols for NYC).

When I told them what I ate, they had to ask it:

Have you ever eaten carrots before?

Hmm How to answer this question?
Sarcasm? No, No, I'm 58 years old and I've never eaten a carrot before.
Straight answer: Yes.
Reference Chuck Jones: Eh? What's up Doc?

In no mood, I opt for the straight answer.

When I tell them the list of meds I'm taking at this point, they say I was taking good stuff to counter-act the effects of an allergic reaction.

Within minutes, the EMT guys come and we go through the whole routine again.

Have you ever eaten carrots before? Have you ever had carrot juice before?

I wish that I just looked at the guy. But, I answered nicely. He was there to help after all.

They give me Bendadryl intravenously, a little oxygen and I'm off to the ER again.

I'm released a couple of hours later.

Clearly, whatever I'm taking for medication, whatever disease I have, it isn't letting my body behave in any way you might expect.

So, for me, the counterbalance is a diet that is counter-intuitive, cause my body is working counter-intuitive.

My body just rejected organic carrots.

Go figure.

BTW, MyBro was so upset. It wasn't his fault. I love him for ever. It was a mistake, and we all learned from it.

1 comment:

  1. I am reticent to Post this b/c Its nature may seem mean-spirited, tho' nothing might be further from my intent, notwithstanding, the following info. may serve to awaken others' plight. There are well-meaning fools who because they are aware of anecdotal results (in this instance, fresh juices which on their face are efficacious, & @ least harmless) labor beneath a "one-size-fits-all" panacea, which has over the explosion of the Holistic Health Movement for the past, say 50 yrs. given us a (deserved) bad rap. Quite frankly, one would believe Organic Carrot Juice would promote optimum health in "every" individual? At Hippocrates Institute, the premier venue in the U.S. for Natural Healing Modalities (primarily Wheat Grass Juice administered from "both ends"), folks whom attend to Heal, suffering from glioma (brain tumor) are NEVER administered Carrot Juice. My point is, only "Professionals" are/should be consulted for Holistic Care. Make no mistake, I am not without culpability in this regard, as my history over the 40 yrs. of experience has had lessons I needed to learn; thankfully, I have "saved" many. hindered but injured none. Food allergies abound in a toxic Morlde, notwithstanding genetic pre-disposition. Drugs (last estimate, 100,000+ deaths in U.S.) do not Heal; at best(?) they "thwart," allowing, again, the body's innate wisdom to prevail. Would I go to an Emergency Room for an "emergency?" Likely, yes if I was incapable of self-management (my bicycle travail 18 mos. ago was self-managed & Healed). However, across-the-board, I would not permit substances-not-analogs to invade the integrity of my System. This, of course, is subjective, but we are an over-pharmacoded culture(?), re-lying on "quick-fixes" to assuage our maladies. Only in modern times has this proved to be of little benefit & dire consequence, i.e. the Corp. structure is afixed to keep us "ill" whilst they purvey the "cures." My Poetry portrays this ubiquitously, & my deceased, dear cousin so filled with Life @ 56 allowed the mongers to "experiment" as Sloan-Kettering is wont to do, to both her, & Jackie O' - where are they now!? H'H.


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