Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weaning -- Weeks 7 and 8

Week 7
MyMan, MyKid and I went on a long-planned for trip to Niagara Falls last week. Dr. A. had warned that this would be a difficult week for me, because of the prednisone weaning process.

Last week was Week 7 and I was taking 20 and 5 mgs on alternating days. Luckily, I was in the passenger seat for all of the driving. So for half of most days, I was basically at rest.

Most days I could walk and some days we did a lot of walking. I did find, as the doctor had predicted, that I was weaker on the low dosage days.

One day, MyMan and I were deciding who should take MyKid to a waterpark. We planned for me to do it on my "high" dosage day. It seemed only fair, because MyMan carries so much of the responsibilities due to me being sick. And I felt I could do it.

But, after morning activities, I was tuckered out. I had to rescind my offer and the two "boys" went off to the waterpark.

Once they left, I fell asleep for 2+ hours. I hadn't slept during the daytime since the earliest days of being sick with BOOP.

Week 8
The prednisone dosage this week is 20 mgs every other day.

On Tuesday, MyKid went back to school. On Tuesday, I got up, made his breakfast and lunch, ate my breakfast, took my pills and then went upstairs to "rest."

I ended up sleeping for 2 hours.

Today, too, I slept for 2 hours before noon as well.

Clearly, it's the effect of the prednisone.

Clearly, I'll have to cut down the activities I had anticipated doing.

1 comment:

  1. M. - In lieu of a card this year, I considered & decided the most appropriate would be to wish an ushering-in here where much of the year's travail has virtually appeared (& miraculously disappeared) on Its nasty way to departure. So, dear friend, L'Shana Tova, this ought be in BOLD ITALICS! You have earned IT! ZH'.


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