Thursday, August 20, 2009

Auto-Immune Disease

BOOP as an Auto-Immune Disease
My husband's cousin and her husband, both doctors, visited with us this week and cleared up a mystery regarding prednisone.

I understood that prednisone was an immune-suppressant medicine. I would read the list of diseases prednisone was prescribed for and not understand how/where BOOP fit in.

But, according to the TwoDocs, prednisone is prescribed for autoimmune diseases. BOOP, apparently, falls into that category. This means that my immune system over-compensated in response to an infection, possibly the initial bronchitis, and BOOP symptoms were the result. At least that's what I understood from TwoDocs.

Maybe this was clear to everyone else. I don't remember anyone using the term until now. I have been so focused on taking the medicine and getting well.

What a shock! I'm still trying to process this information.

Feeling Noticeably Better
I don't know why or how, but I feel more like myself this week. True, there are still aches and pains, as well as incredible amounts of perspiration. And yet, somehow, internally, I feel as if my "true" self has come back. I'm experiencing less impatience and anger, which means the rest of the family is experiencing the benefits as well.

Also -- and this was the real litmus test -- I can finally make it up the stairs without a breather/stop on the way.

In fact, I must have walked up half-a-dozen flights of stairs in the subway today during an expedition into the city with MyKid. Trying to satisfy MyKid's "manga jones" we made stops at St. Mark's Comics, Forbidden Planet and Pearl Paint. I had a lot of fun. I think he did too.

Could it be the kombucha that's made the difference? The mysterious elixir I couldn't drink for weeks and weeks, suddenly is very palatable to me again. It really satisfies the need for something bubbly.

If Dr.A. (the pulmonologist) finds out I'm drinking something that's "raw" he'll be upset. But, doesn't fermentation purify/clean in the process?

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